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Mastering Microcontroller with Embedded Driver Development

Mastering Microcontroller with Embedded Driver Development

By mastering the microcontroller with embedded driver development one will understand complete steps right from scratch for GPIO,SPI,I2C and USART. One will get a chance to  explore hidden secrets of MCU bus interfaces, clock sources, MCU clock configurations, etc.They will understand right ways of handling and programming MCU Peripherals.The course enables one to develop peripheral drivers for your Microcontroller.They must learn writing peripheral driver headers, prototyping APIs and implementation.

With this course one has to explore MCU data sheets, Reference manuals, start-up Codes to get things done,learn right ways of handling/configuring Interrupts for various peripherals.


As the Master of Microcontroller with Embedded Driver Development one has a promising career in the field of Embedded Systems and Electronics.They will work on designing and implementing software of embedded devices and systems.They also need to design, develop, code, test and debug system software.In addition, they will analyze and enhance efficiency, stability and scalability of system resources.

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